Thesis Project, Mobile App, Interpersonal Connections

Strengthening emotional connection in relationships

Enhancing emotional connections in romantic relationships by providing a judgment-free space for couples to express their feelings openly.


User interviews
Competitive analysis
Empathy map

Tools Used



8 months




Building deep emotional connections can be challenging, especially for individuals in new relationships in today’s fast-paced world

Couples in new and existing relationships often struggle to communicate openly, fearing judgment or rejection, hindering the development of a strong emotional bond.

But what exactly does it mean to build an emotional connection?

FYI - Emotional connection is defined as a deep bond that goes beyond physical attraction or surface-level interactions, fostering a sense of security and intimacy on a deeper level.


Couples who want to improve their existing relationship and struggle with expression.


Lack of open expression can lead to misunderstandings and hinder the relationship's growth.


In the early stages, during challenges or conflicts, and when communication is lacking.



This project was made for Hackville 2021, Sheridan's flagship hackathon and was awarded 3rd place amongst 100+ participants. The product was then later reworked on as a personal project. Our project is also featured on Hackville's Instagram 🌟

My role in this project was a UX researcher and UX/UI designer. I created the surveys and competitive analysis while being a part of the ideating, wireframing and prototyping process.

How might we enable couples, both in new and existing relationships, to openly express their feelings
and strengthen their emotional connection within a secure and judgment-free space?


A mobile app fostering a better way to communicate what’s really inside with your partner

I designed Connect, a platform that seeks to bridge the gap between partners, facilitating open and honest dialogue while enhancing emotional connections in a supportive environment.

Please give it a watch and don't skip! I'm really excited about this video, and I hope you'll enjoy it too! 🙌🏽🔊


Defining project goals with a focus on forming heart-to-heart connections

Given the broad scope of how relationships are defined and its complex nature, I created these goals to stay on track with my focus.


Foster connection in a fun and guilt-free way

Research reveals that strong emotional bonds correlate with higher individual well-being and improved mental health (Luc Sels et al., 2016). The goal was to create a warm and supportive space for couples to foster growth.


Embrace vulnerability

Fostering a fun, guilt-free space where couples can freely express their authentic selves.


Break barriers in social media

Revealing the true complexity of relationships, countering the simplistic black-and-white narratives seen on social media.


The survey highlighted areas of improvement, particularly among early-stage relationships

The survey revealed that many participants were young adults (aged 18-24) in new relationships, officially dating for less than a year. A significant number expressed dissatisfaction with their current emotional connections, with miscommunication being the biggest barrier to open communication.

In simpler terms - Many young couples struggle to communicate effectively, leading to dissatisfaction in their emotional connections.

Statistics showing early stage relationships and moderate to dissatisfaction of emotional connection.

Miscommunication labelled as the biggest barrier for individuals to express their feelings openly.

Candid conversations revealed the stories and intricacies with why people struggle to communicate their feelings

I conducted 8 user interviews and spoke to individuals in early-stage relationships to uncover the complexities and emotions behind their struggles.


Uncovering themes of validation, security, and feelings of avoidance and isolation

Synthesizing qualitative data from interviews into an affinity diagram, it became evident that, despite each relationship’s unique challenges, common underlying themes were impeding emotional connections.

These themes included a need for validation, a longing for security, and feelings of avoidance, neglect, and isolation.

Key learnings and opportunities

Positive psychology

Fostering a fun, guilt-free space where couples can freely express their authentic selves.

Monitor for accountability

Include weekly trends, reports and recommendations based on how the couple uses the app.


Couples must first recognize and become aware of the various challenges they currently face to enhance their relationship.


Consolidating key features to overcome barriers in communication

I brainstormed several ideas to overcome the challenges with communication and created a critical items diagram to stay focused on my project goals and prioritize effectively. This approach helped me narrow down the most important features needed to address the problem.


Forming user testing with rough sketches early showed the tough love I needed

At first I tried to visualize my ideas from the critical items diagram and previous research into paper by creating rough sketches of how I envisioned my app to be.

I then drafted a user testing plan to test my concept rapidly and gauge how well my target audience understood the concept I was trying to convey while this concept was also still new and fresh in my mind.


Forming mid fidelity wireframes

Based on the feedback from user testing, I created wireframes of my app while addressing the comments to refine the product.


Final solution

Form meaningful conversations with guided prompts

Discuss relationship topics together with guided prompts to foster a deeper understanding between you and your partner(s).

Recognize your feelings and share them with your partner

Grow in emotional awareness together by sharing your feelings with your partner, fostering a supportive and understanding connection.

Conduct weekly relationship check-ins

Regularly check in with your partner(s) to ensure you’re both on the same page and have a safe space to address concerns.


Concluding a segment of my academic journey

Working on this project as my thesis was such an amazing journey and I am super thankful to have James Kuo supervise my project.

Authenticity as my design value

Working on an authentic problem space that resonated with my design values was immensely rewarding. It deepened my understanding of the issue and reaffirmed my dedication to upholding my values.

Leveraging research methods as support

Designing with research tools and methods made it easier to go through this design sprint. I believe working this way was a big success and made my project flow in the direction I wanted to go.

Things don’t go as planned and that’s okay

During user testing, I realized my concept required significant refinement for the final product to be worthwhile. It was a hard hit considering the extensive research made prior, but this prompted me to step back and reassess the bigger picture.